Descargar The Merry Shipwreck (Little Golden Book Classic) de Georges Duplaix PDF ePub

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The Merry Shipwreck (Little Golden Book Classic) de Georges Duplaix

The Merry Shipwreck (Little Golden Book Classic) de Georges Duplaix

Autor: Georges Duplaix
Categoria: Libros,Infantil,Lugares y culturas
Tapa blanda: 32 páginas
Editor: GOLDEN BOOKS PUB CO INC (1 de enero de 2011)
Colección: Little Golden Book Classic
Idioma: Inglés
ISBN-10: 375868003
ISBN-13: 978-0375868009
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Descripción - On peaceful days on his barge in New York Harbor, Captain Barnacle loves to spin salty yarns about his life on the Seven Seas and the shipwrecks he's been in. But his animal friends are sure there's no such thing as a shipwreck . . . until one fateful night when the barge gets loose . . . in a storm! A fire boat comes to the rescue, and all the animals enjoy their tour around the harbor with New York's Bravest! This rollicking tale was illustrated by Tibor Gergely, who also illustrated Scuffy the Tugboat. Biografía del autor Frenchman GEORGES DUPLAIX was one of the key people behind the launch of the Little Golden Books in the early 1940s.TIBOR GERGELY, who was born in Hungary and emigrated to the U.S. in 1939, was one of the most prolific of the early Little Golden Books illustrators. He brought to life some of the most classic and beloved LGB characters, including Tootle and Scuffy the Tugboat.

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